cookie cruise!

the other day, some girls from the neighborhood decided to make the trek up to mooresville for a cookies-n-milk cruise aboard the catawba queen.
it was quite a fun morning - getting up at the crack of dawn was a tad excruciating, but the kids loved every minute of it. thankfully for my crew, we carpooled with another mom and her 2 kids, so the drive up was entertaining to say the least. oh, and my friend and i had starbucks. thank you, Lord, for starbucks... and for friends that are willing to drive me and my children to mooresville.

we arrived in the parking lot, and immediately had to take care of business (lucy is the best encourager)...

once on board, we were promptly served milk and cookies...

but apparently, something wasn't quite right with her cookies...?

i had corbin strapped to me in an "ergo" baby carrier, so i wasn't able to take as many pics as i'd like, but still managed to get a few... the kids in our neighborhood are so adorable!

after storytime and dancing, the cruise was over and we headed back home.
nothing like stopping by micky d's for a nice healthy lunch afterwards.

the end!

fun times, ladies - thanks!! :)


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