going to the chapel...

... well, actually, it was a gorgeous field way, way, way far away from where we live. :)

earlier this month, lucy, my sister and i were all in my cousin heather's wedding. it was a beautiful day, heather looked stunning, and the location was so, so picturesque. it was fun seeing family we hadn't seen in ages, and also just really fun watching lucy have a good time. last week, i shared a quick little peek, and, as promised, here are a few more highlights from the day...

after the pre-ceremony pics, the three of us went out for a little mini-photo shoot of our own... love these shots of lucy and my sis...

as much as i felt totally out of my element getting all dressed up like this, i absolutely loved sharing the experience with lucy - we'd been talking about this day for a long time, and she was so excited that "the wedding" was finally here.

spending the entire day with the bride and all the bridesmaids was a complete dream come true for my little social butterfly... her shining little eyes and beaming smile were like little nuggets of sunshine following us around. and she kept us laughing the entire day (thanks to my cute sis for these next few shots)... :)

about an hour or so before we were to walk down the aisle, we decided it was time to get lucy's hair curled - and she decided it was time to chow down...

i think lucy did a good job of keeping heather's nerves settled... :)

lucy was the best little flower girl... she wasn't expecting all of the seats to be filled with people staring at her as she walked down the aisle (there were only a few people in them the night before during the rehearsal), but she made it down. :) she stood quietly next to me during the ceremony, playing with my dress a few times, and handing me her basket of flowers when she was tired of holding them. then she dutifully followed the new couple back up the aisle, and continued to follow them as they walked, until someone told her she was all finished. :)

after some post-ceremony pictures, we found corbin and my husband at the reception, and we all danced and giggled the night away. it was so much fun - and hopefully these guys will remember it for a long time. :)


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