fishin' in the park

they dug up worms from our backyard to use as bait, then dutifully carried their poles all the way from the car down to the water. 

they sat patiently and said the word "bobber" over and over (and over) again while their daddy baited the hooks. 

he caught the first fish, and the second, and the third... she finally started catching them too, and they each caught one right after another for the next half hour (14 fish in all!). 

they squealed in delight with each catch, and immediately wanted to name them all.

what a way to start the summer...


  1. So sweet. I can't believe how grown up C looks. It's been tooo long. Hope to see you ALL soon.

    1. i know reeve - the days can seem so long, but the years just fly by. we miss you!! can't wait to see you at the beatles tribute, friend. :)

  2. Randi-Mae your babies are beautiful!

    1. niki, thank you so much. :) wow, it's been years since i've heard "randi-mae"... kinda doesn't seem right without the heart over the "i" and the smiley face at the end. ha! ;)


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