children's portraits: liam and tristan

when my kids were really little (not quite two and teeny infant),
i joined a weekly play group with 4 other moms. 
we would gather at one of our homes,
drink coffee, swap potty training thoughts and ideas, 
and ask questions on how to do this whole parenting thing, 
all while our sweet toddlers played together,
and the infants nursed and slept.
that play group was the highlight of my week during those long hard days,
and i would encourage any new mom to seek one out.
actually, new moms, find maybe 4 or 5 of them, one for each day,
so you're guaranteed a handful of hours each week where you aren't flailing about...
or was i the only one flailing?

thankfully, we all made it out of that season of life,
and now we have big school-aged kids.
kids who use their words, all the time.
they don't need our help as much,
and they definitely don't need us going with them to the bathroom anymore.
tristan was in that playgroup, and while it's been a few years since i last saw him,
he still has that mischievously sweet smile,
and his big brother liam is still his best buddy.


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