the greens: part 2

earlier this week, you met the super-cute family of gary and donna green. today, i'd like to introduce you to their extended family, the gennarellis - made up of donna's parents, her two sisters, and their families...

this was such a fun shoot for me for several different reasons, but mostly because i absolutely loved watching this bunch love on each other. it was really quite touching... so much so, that i kinda sorta wish they would adopt me. not my kids or my husband - just me. that's not too selfish, is it...? :)

plus, how fun would it be to be a girl in this family??!? all those clothes and shoes to share, the endless supply of hair products and makeup to borrow... yep, i bet it's pretty fun. :)

i learned a new photography technique during this shoot, too... the best way to get (almost) everyone laughing is to have members of the family that aren't being photographed to stand behind you, and - wait for it - moon your subjects. yep, i said moon. totally can't take any credit for the idea, but i'm really, really glad it happened... and also very thankful the person(s) doing the mooning were behind me...

love this next one...

finally, i had to throw these last two shots in of the green sisters with their two sets of grandparents... yet another reason why i love "continuous shooting" mode... :)

happy friday!


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